Friday, October 2, 2009

So Cold, but So Alive

I haven't posted anything new in a while; shame on me. Here's a low-down of what went on with me today:

1) I practiced some piano. I've got "To Zanarkand", "Pato no Shounen," and "Eyes on Me" down pretty well. I make a few mistakes now and then, but they're pretty much memorized. Hooray!

2) I was going to go to a friend's voice recital, but then the volunteer community I'm in called my cell and told me to get my rear to a meeting (not in those exact words, but that was the basic gist of it). There I was surprised with a birthday cake and a very nice card signed by everyone in the community. I was quite touched; it was very sweet of them to do something like that for me.

3) I went to an Aztec Dance class, and ended up joining the group. According to one of the co-captains, I'm a fast learner. I was all, "Awesome." Since I'm new and there have been classes going on for a little while, I need to call the co-captain and get a "catch-up lesson." There's some mad fundraising that's going to be going on, since costumes and equipment (such as drums and maracas) are going to total around $7,000. Yes, that much. So we need money, and preferably soon.

4) I was going to go to the Mujeres' Writing Group in the evening, but apparently the building it's normally in closes at five, and now I have no clue where the group is meeting. So I went to Anime Club instead, and watched three episodes of the live-action series of "Sailor Moon." It was horrible in a hilarious way, and I feel less intelligent just from watching it.

In other news, I had a birthday this Tuesday! I am now eighteen. Old enough to get married. Okay, that's kind of a weird thought. Time for a change of subject.

I belong to a group on the website Ravelry called the "Harry Potter Knitting\Crochet House Cup." It is pretty much made of win, and anyone who belongs to Ravelry should check it out. It's a new month, and that means new classes posted! I'm pretty psyched about it, because I can do a knitting\crochet project for every class. Can't wait to get on planning what exactly I'm going to do.

I also need to make an appointment with my adviser for the end of the month in order to decide on my schedule for next semester. I plan to take an English class, perhaps World Literature, and a music class, too, probably Music Theory or something. And continue guitar lessons. I don't know, though; I'm not really feeling it for guitar. Maybe I just need a little more time? I mean, I also don't practice as much as I should, so I should probably remedy that, as well. I might replace guitar with voice? Or piano? We shall see.

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